So it's been a long while and I've decided that since so much has changed I'm going to take this blog in a new direction. While initially I waited for inspiration to hit and hot topics to sizzle, now I think I just want to document much more in the area of my thoughts, concerns, questions,frustrations, doubts, on and so fourth. Today's topic is one I think deserves to be addressed in that I made a decision, took a chance, and am holding onto it. Here goes...
About 3 weeks ago, I physically left what I've known to be home for my whole life...the great state of New York. It wasn't an easy choice to make as it came with many sacrifices, struggles, criticism, expenses, and lastly but very importantly courage. It's not everyone who can pack up their entire life in a few boxes and suitcases and relocate to a completely different state, timezone, or part of a country. Going into it I was all of excited, scared, nervous, annoyed, angry, overjoyed, and a host of others I can't remember. Overall however the one thing I've learned through this trip and through being here is a deeper meaning to the word FAITH.
Well I'm here now, enjoying the weather...employed (though barely), and getting ready to enroll in the University out here. I've yet to make friends or become active,and I'm still pretty much living out of a suitcase...I get lonely and bored, and sometimes I even get sad because I miss so many of my family and friends from home who either don't understand what went on the last few weeks I was in NY, or were right there with me helping me get ready to go. Point is, I made a very conscious decision as to the direction my life was going in. Yes, the decision was faith based, I wasn't sure but I had an idea, a PLAN and I intend on following it through until either another choice comes in my path or my plan is met with success. At the end of the day, my decisions about life will have been made, with or without someone else's influence and I will have to determine if I'm ok with where I ended up...but that's for me, and ONLY me to determine.
I want to close this out saying that I'm slowly getting use to things out here. For those of you who care about me so much and want to know how I'm doing, I'm doing great! I'm struggling, I'm learning, I'm GROWING and you'll all see the product of that when I return. For those of you with an attitude or issue for whatever reason, I'm sure you'll get over it and if not then thats the burden you want to carry. I'm not coming home a little boy, diplomatic and afraid to hurt your feelings. I'm coming home a man and about a man's business. Doing MY thing and being proud of it... and it's as simple as that. I love you all and peace!