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A student of the human mind...a searcher...an advisor...a teacher... loves easily and easy to love. Come share with me...:)

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Power of Words: The Magic They Produce.

Recently I've been working on presence and self awareness as it relates to how people perceive you. I've come to the conclusion that outside of how one dresses or carries them self,  a big 25-65% of how one is perceived is determined by how one speaks, and what they speak about. That means that from head to toe you may dress the part, walk the part, and essentially look the part; but once you open your mouth you may have lost the part. Inversely however, you may essentially come off as completely unworthy of acknowledgement UNTIL you actually start speaking and in that there is great power; not only for perceptions sake but also had the need arise for you to be a chameleon.

A chameleon is an animal known to blend into its surroundings by being able to change the color of its body to whatever colors in nature it's most frequently around. Being a "social chameleon" (the act of being able to communicate in a myriad of environments with different people) is an acquired skill but a useful one. Being able to talk to one group of people at a level that relates to them and makes them feel comfortable, then being able to switch it up and speak to a group a people that demands a totally different caliber of language and articulation is not something that most people have a desire to do or even  find easy.

But I digress...

Recently I got a tattoo of Arabic lettering above it's English translation that reads "I SEEK REFUGE IN ALLAH FROM SATAN THE ACCURSED".  I have to admit that in standing there showing the tattoo artist the design I felt a slight air of discomfort and judgement. Here I am, some young guy with visible tattoos and a fitted cap on asking for another tattoo in Arabic..."Oh he must be one of those mooslems" had to be a thought as I was immediately asked "Are you Muslim?" Which led into a variety of questions and my poised, non defensive answers that concluded in the man saying,  "Nicely stated young man" to which I thought to myself f*ck yea! #winning (who got that Charlie Sheen reference?)

 I was raised in Islam, I love Islam, and I live in accordance with the foundation Islam has provided me, but I do NOT call myself Muslim. I got this tattoo however because it is a phrase I use everyday, multiple times a day in seeking the protection of a higher being against any and all entities that may threaten me. Against myself, the master of my actions, and against any destructive force that may come my way.  It's in a language that I do not speak but have been taught to pray in. They are some of the most powerful words I know. 

 Taking a sharp turn down mystical lane, in most all forms of magick, worship, or otherwise reverence based activities there are 3 stages. Conscious collection of a thought, the conscious direction of that thought in the form of will, and the projection of that thought/will through SPOKEN WORD and physical actions. That being said, words are a necessary point in the manifestation of ANYTHING in this material world and thus should be used with careful intent and caution. Not only due to the power present in influencing how you are perceived, but also due to the power present in influencing reality as a whole.

I want to close by saying some of the worlds most powerful and influential people are indeed magicians of a sort. They move and shape spirits, moods, loyalties, entire lives with their words. They exemplify the quintessence of all that magick is; willful influence of one's environment. I don't think that the only thing separating man from animals is intellect because I believe animals to have quite the intellect. I believe the separation to exist in man's ability to declare and exclaim! Be! and what follows is creation.

Watch your words my friends!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Comfort vs Progression

Annnndd ACTION!

 Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, I know it's been far too long! We are going to jump right into it today in a discussion about Comfort vs Progression. A recent turn of events and a few good conversations sparked up the inspiration for this post so bare with me.

 I recently completed this development program around brand building and what exactly brand is.
 In this program we read a book entitled, "Career Warfare" by David D'Alessandro (a book I highly recommend to anyone starting or growing in their career) in which he discusses 10 rules to adhere to in building your brand and moving up the career ladder. Outside of the book however, we would discuss some of the unwritten, but well known Do's and Don'ts of the professional world. We discussed etiquette and professional dress, we discussed public speaking and presentations, and we discussed how not to get comfortable. Now, although this was a program structured around the professional world and career development, I couldn't help but to think of ways to implement some of (if not all of) the things I would learn in my personal life. Let's face it, our daily lives aren't promised and our professional ones are even less.

 The issue around becoming comfortable is a very real issue not only in the professional world but domestically as well. Many of the people I've grown up with were faced with the same disadvantages and struggles; be it a lack of guidance, distractions, violence, poor education, etc. As a result many dropped out of school, fell to street gangs, premature pregnancy, jail, and unfortunately premature death. Of those who didn't, many (including myself) went on to college but didn't finish due to a variety of reasons that I could speculate involved a lack of preparation, lack of financial ability, and lack of desire as life was comfortable enough as is.


 It just so happens that many of my peers are brilliantly resourceful enough to not only find a way to survive, but find a way to be comfortable in surviving. They either live with relatives and/or find a job or two and do what they have to do to make ends meet and as long as they are able to wake up the next morning this is life. Living like that, before you know it you are 40 with kids and regrets about what opportunities you didn't take advantage of because you got comfortable and you impress upon the next generation not to complete the cycle...but they do. It's very easy to get caught up in the day to day flow of life, living pay check to pay check and waking up one morning full of gray hair and regrets. Even I, myself having found full time employment and being out of school for as long as I have can see how easy it would be to get caught up and not go back. Being comfortable is indeed comfortable. You might always be able to buy the new Jordan sneakers, you might be able to afford the new Iphone and you may be able to pay all of your bills on time...most of the time; but is going out on a limb...getting out of your comfort zone and enduring a little bit of pain for a lot of potential gain really that foreign? That bad? It's not working if you're comfortable and in my honest opinion the only time you should be comfortable is when you are making progression! For those of us who never stopped schooling and are well on their way to getting a masters degree or more...more power to you! Read D'Alessandro's book and keep up the progress. For those of us like myself caught at a cross roads...don't let yourself get comfortable...I'll be in school next semester how about you?

Now, i'm not saying it's absolutely necessary for someone to be a college graduate to be successful. What I'm saying is that as long as you make it "ok " to get by on the bare minimum or " just enough" you are allowing yourself to get comfortable in spite of your personal goals and desires. But if you are content with doing just that then by all means...be comfortable! But let's be honest...we all want a little more.