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A student of the human mind...a searcher...an advisor...a teacher... loves easily and easy to love. Come share with me...:)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Crazy Insane or Insane Crazy? (Day 9)

Welcome to 2010

We're 9 days in...lets get it! I must say, my mission to expose the truth is going well. The last post didn't get quite the response I was hoping for...however that's in large part due to the poor marketing I've done...*sigh* It's a work in progress.... However, of the people who did read the last post, I must say I'm satisfied with the responses I did receive. =) Today's post is appropriately titled Crazy Insane or Insane Crazy as I'm going to discuss a sensation known to most of my peers as depression.

Here's the disclaimer front and center. I'm no licensed psychologist, I'm still learning and studying, and while my view is more than likely a controversial one...it's food for thought as any and all posts I make are.

...So there's my song and dance to keep the "professionals" (with quotes and without) off my back :), now to business. I've been throwing around the concept with a lot of my friends that depression, or the sensation a lot of us misuse as being depression, is actually something that can help and if not better, put into perspective our lives. Let's examine my statement... think about the symptoms of this state...EVERYTHING stops! You don't want to go out and party, you become anti-social and want to be alone, you're often sad or upset about the way things in your life are going...any of this sound familiar? There are a host of other symptoms but we'll focus on these and I'll explain how they can be "positized" haha

1) Everything stops... I have a friend with whom I shared a concept known as personal reflection time with at one point..and basically that time was for you to sit alone, review your circumstances, decide what you liked, what you didn't like, and then making moves to do something about it. It was YOUR time to be angry, happy, etc...without worrying about insincere "are you ok" or "what's wrong" statements. Well, all too often we forget about the "me" and "me" says ok...now it's "me time"...code red, LOCK DOWN.

2) Social life is murdered...
"let's go out tonight?"
"na...I don't feel like it."
....later that night you're kicking walls because you know you should have went and imagine your friends having a blast while you look at your wall paint or scream into your pillow...figuratively of course. Well, now you have ALOT more time to think about what's going on in your life.

3) AHHHH!!! Here, the anger sets in...I'm upset for no reason, I don't want to bathe, I don't want to shave, hell I won't even change my underwear...ok that's an extreme but hey, it happens.

Still trying to find the good in all of this are we? Well some of your minds work faster than others at putting the pieces together but depression, at least in accordance with the symptoms listed and my definition of it, provides you with a lot of idle time...GOTTDAMNN! Well what do we do with all this time? MASTURBATE!!! haha...though I'm joking this is all to often the case...not physically but mentally! (minds out of the gutter guys =P) We start to keep habits that make us feel good for a short, often too short, period of time just to end up not having done anything...alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex...and of course these lead to things such as poor decision making, diseases, car accidents, babies, and all kinds of other mental/physical health detriments.

TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU, with all that time on your hands you should be getting acquainted with the "me" in you...the whole reason for code red shutdown anyways...Look at what's making you unhappy, what you can do about it to either cope better, or totally change your situation. Look at yourself; are you eating well? Are you bathing? Shaving? Go get a haircut, your nails done, a new piercing, a tattoo, something different and for YOU! Find something or someone to believe in (God often helps :) ), someone to believe in you, believe in yourself ,and have faith that with all the positive energy you are radiating that things will work out...then attack the world head on! I'm not saying some days you won't cry, or clench your teeth, or pull out your hair...what I'm saying is be TRUTHFUL with YOU about YOU...don't worry about what society says about what you should be doing, thinking, saying, or how you should be looking...you gotta play the game, but YOU gotta play it. I had a short depressed stint myself this winter...it was bad...then I realized what I'm writing you now and I have to say I may not have everything I want...but I'm damn happy with the way things are going in my life. Cut a few people off here, made a few new friends there, let some important people know they were appreciated and important...then I just had faith and did my thing!

I hope you all have enjoyed and got something out of this....also...my new years plan is still on track...I ran one morning and got sick..but I'm still working out, haven't caved to the pressures of fast-food, alcohol, or any of the such...and believe me I've been tempted! I'm doing my thing...any questions? Twitter user name is Loco515, and there is the comment box appropriately placed...I also have email...rahk2100@yahoo.com :) Thank you, comment generously..and I'll keep bringing you more food for thought!


  1. Haha...I really enjoyed writing and re-reading this!

  2. A lot of people confuse depression for feeling sorry for yourself. Coming from a medical standpoint, depression is actually worse than what people think it is. It's a real clinical condition that a lot of people suffer from dramatically and have to endure exstensive treatment sometimes. and people get that confused when they see someone 'depressed' they think the person must have the whole world on their soldiers. but in many instances, when you are alone by yourseld you have a moment to get your thoughts together. when im alone i know for a fact it gives me the chance to think, relax later and clear my head and people who get caught up in a lottttt of company dont have that opportunity...there a lot of people who always want people to be around them, i could never be one of those people lol . i dnt understand how people do that at all...


Let me know what you think!!